Hi Friend,
How’s the home life treating you?
I know so many of us are looking for ways to connect, keep sane, and remain grounded. I’d love to offer you 3 things to help you right now.
Do you have an exercise routine? My usual exercise routine is daily home yoga and walking the streets of NYC. While I’ve been keeping up with my home stretching, I’m certainly not walking as much the past few weeks; like you, I’ve been staying indoors. And my body is needing to move!
One of the wonderful things happening right now are many opportunities to participate in online exercise classes. Yoga, dance, pilates, and fitness instructors, and more are offering their movement classes online and I highly recommend getting in on the action!
Benefits of moving your body and exercising:
Increases energy
Reduces anxiety, and depression
Boosts self-esteem
Calms the mind and body
Improves sleep
Boosts mood by enhancing chemicals in the brain (e.g. dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine) that are associated with improved mood and decreased stress
Mindset is everything! Become a self-compassionate, non-judgmental observer of your thoughts. Then, work to shift your mindset to best serve you. When you take action you shift your mindset.
5 Tips for Managing your mindset:
Focus on the good things in your life. I encourage you to do the “I Want” journaling exercise I offered last week
Live in the present. Yes, easier said than done, but you CAN CONTROL what is going on in the present moment in your life and how you are responding. Be mindful of what in your life you do have control over right now: your thoughts.
Find humor! I’ve been watching a lot of Curb Your Enthusiasm, as well as cute animal videos to keep me smiling, laughing, and feeling upbeat.
Take action! If you’re feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, you’re probably feeling stuck. Take action by moving your body, shift to a positive mindset, and create a healthy morning routine.
Transform negative self-talk into positive self-talk.When you find yourself saying detrimental thoughts, have compassion for yourself and work to shift your thoughts to something more positive that will help you. For example:
I am unworthy > I am willing to love and forgive myself
I am alone > I am open to receiving help and support
I can’t do this > I am learning how to take care of myself and love myself
Creating a morning routine can help give you purpose and start the day with intention. Please check out my 3 Tips for a Life-Altering Morning article to help you craft a healthy morning routine.
And speaking of movement, I’ve taken up hula hooping!
This week starting tomorrow, Wednesday, April 1 - Tuesday, April 7, I will be going LIVE on Facebook on my page, Alyssa at Wellness HQ, giving you the affirmation of the day and hula hooping to my favorite 80’s songs!
So, for a body and mindset boost, please join me LIVE for the day’s affirmation, followed by hooping (grab that hula hoop if you have one), dancing, or just shaking your body with me for a few minutes!
April 1 - April 7 at 1pm EST on Facebook Live via Alyssa at Wellness HQ for daily HULA HOOPING & POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS!
Let's stay positive together and I can’t wait to groove with you this week!
Sending you love, light, support, and positive energy now, and always.
P.S. My March Facebook Live Workshops are up for replay:
Circadian rhythm. What is it? Do I have it?
Guided meditation for healing.
Bedtime Hygiene. Tips to create a bedtime routine to help you relax & get the sleep your body needs.
March 31, 2020
