We’re a few days away from 2021 and I’m gonna get straight to the point. It’s been 2020. We’ve all felt it, we’ve all been through it. Rollercoaster of emotions and experiences and everything in between.
As a way to honor yourself and the past year, I’m recommending 3 things to do before 2021:
1. Call someone and tell them you love them.
Pick up the phone, call someone who you care about, and tell them you love them, and anything else that is important for you to share and for them to hear. Voice to voice interaction and energy, no texting.
2. Do a “brain dump” of 2020 for 20 minutes.
Get out a piece of paper and a pen. At the top of the paper write “2020” and set your phone timer for 20 minutes. Start writing. Just go for it and get it all out. Even after 5 or 10 minutes if you want to stop or don’t think you have anything more to write, trust me you do. Keep writing for the full 20 minutes! Your writing doesn’t have to be legible and it doesn’t have to be grammatically correct. Just get everything out of your brain and onto that paper. When the timer is up, rip up the piece of paper and throw it in the garbage. Blow it a goodbye kiss if you want! Or hey, you could even burn it!
3. Thank yourself.
Close your eyes, put your hand(s) on your heart, take a deep breath in, exhale, and say thank you to yourself, in your mind or softly out loud. Sit for as long as you want with your eyes closed and your hand(s) on your heart, breathing and repeating. Thank you.
Thank you for reading my newsletters and following my work. I appreciate you and look forward to connecting in 2021.
Love, Your Wellness Coach,
P.S. I’m starting a podcast! "Positively Anti-Inflammatory" ~ the show for people just like you who want to keep inflammation down and your spirits up! Launching January 2021. Stay tuned.

December 29, 2020