Today is a big day!
December 8, 2021, I celebrate my 50th podcast episode!
And it’s been quite the journey.
Before the pandemic I gave myself a challenge: Do a Facebook Live every day in January (2020).
I’d never done a FB Live before and, while I was nervous, I was up for the challenge. Turns out, I loved doing them.
For 31 days I went live on FB and shared my off-the-cuff reflections on the affirmation of the day from my daily “I Can Do It” calendar by Louise Hay.
The Lives were a hit -- people found them fun and meaningful.
Those 31 days turned into a year of FB Lives, which ultimately inspired me to launch my podcast, “Positively Anti-Inflammatory” January 2021.
I love doing my podcast. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my experience and expertise on mindful, anti-inflammatory living and holistic wellness with people around the globe who are seeking to improve their health and enhance their wellbeing.
As of today, my podcast has 25,000 downloads and listeners in 68 countries and 2,347 cities, and counting! Woohoo!
And, today I am celebrating 50 episodes!
I am thrilled to share episode 50, “Feng Shui and Your Health - Part 1 with Hinda Abrahamson.”
It was so fun interviewing my mom, Hinda Abrahamson, Feng Shui Consultant, who has been studying, teaching, and helping people create pleasing and supportive environments for over two decades.
In the episode, Hinda explains what Feng Shui is and what the 4 principles of Feng Shui are. She talks about why Feng Shui matters and debunks 3 common myths about Feng Shui. You’ll walk away from the episode with a greater understanding of how your environment reflects your life and your health.
This is a great day! Thank you for celebrating with me, reading my newsletters, listening to my podcast, and following my work.
Love, Your Wellness Coach,
P.S. - - Hey! Tired of feeling tired? Overwhelmed and feel like you’re treading water? Dealing with a chronic health condition?
The holiday season can be a stressful and wonky time and can exacerbate health stuff.
If you’re ready to make a positive change, let’s talk. et up your FREE exploratory coaching call here.

December 8, 2021