A few weeks ago I shared October 2024's affirmation from Louise Hay and in that affirmation she encourages us to embrace our inner child, keeping its sense of wonder alive within us.
I love this, so let’s dive in and explore the concept of an inner child, why it matters, and how to make a connection.
What is your inner child?
Your “inner child” is a part of your subconscious that holds emotions, feelings, memories and beliefs from childhood, which impact how you express yourself and interact with the world as an adult. The inner child is a source of strength, hope, love, curiosity, and creativity.
Why does the inner child matter?
Your inner child is a significant part of who you are. Connecting with your inner child supports your emotional wellbeing because it allows you to see yourself and your needs as an adult, and it gives you an opportunity to care for yourself in ways that you needed as a child.
Here are 5 ways to connect with and love your inner child right now
1. Acknowledge your inner child.
First, acknowledge the existence of an inner child. Visualize yourself as a child and begin to listen and learn about your inner child’s needs, pains, hopes, and dreams. Get curious about what they have to say, how they feel, what they want you to know. By beginning a dialogue you are developing a relationship with your inner child.
2. Place a childhood photo of yourself where you can see it every day
Find a photo of yourself as a child -- a time when you felt free, safe, and playful, and/or when you needed love. Then...
Frame the photo and put it where you can see it
Tape it to your bathroom mirror
Set the photo to your phone background
When you look at the photo, allow yourself to reminisce, feelings of curiosity, possibility, joy, and love.
(Wanna watch something inspiring? Check out the queens of Rupaul’s Drag Race speaking to their younger selves.)
3. Make time to play
Find ways to infuse more playfulness into your daily life. It’s easier to learn how to connect with your inner child when you’re in a more playful and child-like energy and headspace. Try spending time doing what you loved to do when you were a child - buy crayons and a coloring book, skip in the grass, watch an old cartoon you loved as a child. Engaging in playfulness will be nourishing for yourself AND your inner child.
4. Write a letter to your inner child
Writing your child self a letter is a loving and powerful exercise. Find a quiet spot, get out your journal and a pen and write what comes to your heart and mind, letting it all out through your pen and on to paper.
5. Try a guided inner child meditation
I highly recommend Selena Lael’s, “Inner Child Healing” guided meditation.
BONUS! 1 more way to connect with your inner child is to speak directly to it.
Take a deep breath, put your hand on your heart, close your eyes and ask your inner child: “What do you need?” Keeping an open mind, and listen to what comes.
The bottom line
Taking time to connect with your inner child helps support you through your adult experiences and is a beautiful opportunity for you to practice increased self-care and self-compassion.
When you mindfully and intentionally set out to make a connection with your inner child, you feel more grounded, loved, and supported and experience a deeper self-connection.
Sending you and your inner child all my love,
P.S. NOTICE: I'm taking an indefinite hiatus with my one-to-one nutrition & health coaching. As of November 1st, 2024, I will no longer be accepting new 1:1 coaching clients. If you've been considering it or think this is the right time for you, please contact me before Friday, November 1.
P.P.S. Listen to this week’s podcast episode 199, "Connect With Your Inner Child."
October 16, 2024
