The holiday season can be a time of celebration and festive gatherings, and it can also be stressful and overwhelming. With so much going on, it’s easy to overlook one crucial aspect of our health and wellbeing: self-love.
What is self-love?
Self-love is a state of appreciation for yourself that grows from thoughts, behaviors, and actions that support and nurture your physical, emotional, and spiritual growth and wellbeing.
This is your life and in the last month of 2024, you get to exercise the power of self-compassion and embrace loving yourself.
Need a little encouragement? Here are 5 ways you can love yourself through the holidays and beyond.
1. Align Yourself to Your Desired State of Being
What state of being would you like to be in right now? Calmness, ease, joy? Or busyness, anxiety and overwhelm? Decide your desired state of being and align yourself with it by writing it on a post-it-note. Then place it on your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, or wherever you’ll see it, and when you do, breathe into that feeling.
* BONUS: Read, “Step into Alignment (With Yourself and Your Health).”
2. Create the Holiday Season You Crave
How do you want to spend the rest of 2024? What do you want to experience, create, and feel? Identify what matters to you most and create what you want instead of doing what you think you should be doing, what you’ve always done, or what you think is expected of you.
* BONUS: Listen to, “Create the Holiday Season You Crave.”
3. Balance Giving and Receiving
If you are someone who prioritizes everyone else’s needs before your own, it’s time to focus on you. Can you give to yourself too? Can you allow yourself to receive? Are you willing to prioritize and nourish yourself without guilt?
* BONUS: If your giving and receiving is out of balance, listen to “The Importance of Receiving & Learning to Receive.”
4. Love Your Inner Child
This time of year can bring up old family patterns or memories that can trigger you and your inner child. So think about offering your inner child the loving support they need. Take your younger self by the hand and, with empathy, be present with what they have always longed for.
* BONUS: Read, “Connect With Your Inner Child.”
5. Support Your Body
What can you do to love and support your body more? You know what your body is craving. You know what your body wants. Are you listening? How can you connect with your body and find ways to move through life that feel good to you?
* BONUS: Listen to, “The Importance of Listening to Your Body (What That Means and How To Do It!)”
You are the only one that can truly take charge of your life experience and enjoyment.
Now’s the perfect time to be more mindful about how you can embrace and practice self-love through this holiday season.
Love, Your Wellness Coach,
P.S. Listen to this week's podcast episode 206, “Embracing Self-Love this Holiday Season.”
December 4, 20204
