My 50th birthday was on January 15th and I am entering my 50's with clarity, feeling confident, grounded, and grateful for the nurturing relationship I’ve cultivated with myself.
I’m sharing this with you because the way I approached this milestone birthday was drastically different than when I turned 40 and I hope you find meaning and inspiration in my story.
10 years ago, on my 40th birthday, I was not in a great place physically or emotionally. I was in severe pain from the autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis. I was self-critical and judgmental about my age and where I thought I “should” be in my life. I spent my 40th birthday alone and depressed.
Later that year I hit rock bottom with RA health issues, and my dad died. It was devastating, and while I had many wonderful opportunities happening in my life, I found myself in a dark place, knowing I needed to change and prioritize myself and my healing. So, my 40’s were dedicated to that – learning prioritize myself and my health by making significant mindset, nutrition and lifestyle shifts.
Approaching 50, I organically took action to celebrate myself. I set up a fabulous 50th birthday photo shoot, organized an intimate dinner with close friends at a favorite NYC restaurant, I hosted a blowout birthday party at my apartment, and a few weeks later, my mom threw me a second 50th birthday party in my hometown of Minneapolis!
At 50 I find myself in a remarkably better emotional and physical place than when I turned 40. Even though 50 is a big number if that’s the oldest you’ve ever been, it hasn’t felt worrisome and I am no longer judging myself for where I think I “should” be in my life.
All in all, 50 feels amazing.
I also love doing what I do -- helping people who are ready to prioritize and heal their relationship with themselves, food, and their body.
I am currently open to new 1:1 nutritional therapy and holistic wellness clients.
Is this you? If so, let’s talk. Email me to set up your FREE wellness coaching call.
Love, Your Wellness Coach,
P.S. Listen to this week’s podcast 112 where I share my Reflections on Turning 50.

February 15, 2023