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Summer Check In 2023: Reflect and Reconnect

Alyssa Abrahamson

Happy summer solstice!

It’s the official start of summer (here in the northern hemisphere) and a great time to pause, reconnect with yourself, and do a mindful check-in. Let’s tap into our inner fire and sunny summer energy.

1. Celebrate the wins

At the top of the piece of paper write “Celebrating 2023.” Then write a list of 10 things that you have accomplished this year that you are proud of.

2. What’s important to you right now?

Write down 3 things that are the most important to you at this time and answer why.

3. How are you spending your time? Is it the way you want to spend it?

Answer the following, “the most important way I can be spending my time right now is….”

4. Letting go

What are you actively working to let go of in your life? What has completed its purpose in your life, allowing you the opportunity to move forward?

5. What if you actually let go?

What would change about your life if you just let that “thing” go? With that open space, what could become available to you?

6. What are your favorite ways to relax and play?

How can you incorporate more of what you enjoy into your life this summer?

7. What is a word, phrase or affirmation that can help guide you through this season?

Reconnecting and mindfully giving yourself time and space to realign with what’s important to you is a powerful way to move into this new season with clarity and strength.

Here’s to a healthy and fun summer.

Love, Your Wellness Coach,


P.S. Listen to podcast episode 130, ​Summer Check In 2023: Reflect and Reconnect.

P.P.S. Ready to feel better in your body? Looking to receive personalized support and improve your relationship with food and yourself?

June 21, 2023


© 2022 Wellness HQ LLC | Alyssa K. Abrahamson, FNTP, MA | Disclaimer 

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