Do you have a to-do list that keeps getting pushed back?
You know the feeling - you want to start a new habit or make a positive change and your brain tells you, “I'll do it later.”
Or do you ever feel overwhelmed when attempting to start (or complete) a project because you think you just don’t have the time?
Our primitive brain (often referred to as the reptilian brain) defaults to what’s easy and comfortable. It tell us to avoid and procrastinate, even if it’s something we want to do.
This helps to explain why we don’t always do the things we know we need to do and even why we don't do the things we want to do.
How to overcome it?
The 20-minute Rule to the rescue.
The 20-Minute Rule is a technique that has you focus on one particular task for 20 minutes without interruptions. It’s simple:
Choose a specific “to do” task
Set your phone timer for 20 minutes
Put your phone out of reach
Focus on that task for 20 minutes
When the timer is up you can stop. Or if you're rolling along, set it for another 20 minutes.
I love the 20-minute rule! I frequently use it for cleaning my apartment, working on my podcast, and other tasks that I might otherwise push off doing.
Instead of staying stuck in procrastination mode, taking 20 minutes of action produces benefits and results. Plus, it helps you release “all or nothing” thinking that can keep you attached to a stress-filled perfectionist mindset.
And 20 minutes is better than zero minutes. Don’t you agree?
So make a plan to get ahead of your brain and set yourself up for success by harnessing the power of the 20-minute rule.
Love, Your Wellness Coach,
November 6, 20204
